Mandarin bird reproduction, feeding and management!

Mandarin bird reproduction

Having babies at home, whether human or animal, is always a joy! In the case of pets, watching their birth and growth is very exciting. That’s why today’s topic is: reproduction of the mandarin bird !

The zebra finch is a beautiful bird measuring just a few centimeters and grams in weight that lives in flocks. It is very active and talkative! Learn all about zebra finch reproduction, feeding, handling and much more. Keep reading!

Ah, spring!

Spring, in the Southern Hemisphere, is the period of the year that runs from September to December. It is the time of renewal, when the cold weather disappears and the heat returns. During this period, animals begin to reproduce.

So, if you want to know everything about mandarin bird reproduction, the beginning of everything is spring. If you are breeding the bird, gather the couples together in a beautiful and cozy nest during this period, use a specific food supplement for this time and eagerly await the babies!

Speaking of couples, the mandarin bird has sexual dimorphism. This means that it is very easy to distinguish the male from the female. He is more colorful, with cheeks of a very vibrant orange tone, while she is less striking, with feathers tending towards white or gray.

Mandarin breeding cage

Mandarin bird breeding must take place in a specific cage. It has a platform in one of the corners, allowing the nest to be placed, and a safe landing place for the future parents.

There is no secret to raising zebra finches . The bird is very sociable and likes other individuals of the same species. Therefore, all you need to do is put the couple together in the cage with the nest, offer food and fresh water, and keep the environment calm. Soon, the chicks will be flying through space!

Reproduction of the mandarin bird

How does the bird reproduce ? It’s quite simple: the male courts the female by singing to her. Once she accepts him, copulation occurs. After fertilization, she will soon begin to lay her eggs. Provide the male with material to cushion the inside of the nest.

The future mother will lay between four and eight eggs. It is important that no one moves the cage or nest too much at this time, as she may become suspicious and abandon it, leaving the eggs unhatched. She and the father take turns incubating the eggs.

If all goes well, in 12 to 14 days, the eggs will hatch and the chicks will be born without feathers and with their eyes completely closed. They will have pink skin and a dark gray beak. Only remove the shells if the female is very tame.

When the babies are 20 to 25 days old, they start to leave the nest and take their first flights. Their parents will continue to feed them until they are about 4 weeks old, when they are already interested in adult food.

Mandarin bird feeding

Raising mandarins requires a good understanding of their diet at different stages of their life, as each stage has different nutritional needs. The food for chicks is different from that for adults.

In the case of chicks, the owner does not need to worry about feeding them — the parents will do this until they are able to eat on their own. If you are going to feed adult birds, try to provide stronger foods, such as meal and vitamins.

Additionally, provide a good grain mix—this is what the bird would eat if it were in the wild. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, and boiled eggs are also welcome additions to the Diamondback zebra finch’s diet.

Avoid giving any food that is intended for human or other animal consumption. This can even cause the bird’s sudden death. Therefore, do not give your mandarin bird dog , fish or cat food if it runs out of food.

When to separate puppies from their parents?

The famous saying that mothers raise their children for the world is very true in the animal world. From the moment the young are able to take care of themselves, it is common for them to leave the nest in search of their own family.

It’s no different with mandarins . When the babies start flying freely around the cage and eating on their own, it’s time to separate them from their parents. The male may start chasing the young birds both to defend his territory and to mate with the females.

Then, remove the chicks from the cage after about four weeks. This is an important tip for breeding mandarin birds . Even if you want to start breeding the birds, it is important to avoid inbreeding the flock.

Inbreeding occurs when birds that are related mate. The chicks tend to be born weaker and with genetic problems. It is common for babies to be born with bone deformities over time, or for them to die shortly after birth.

Learning about mandarin bird reproduction, feeding and handling was fascinating, wasn’t it? To put into practice everything you saw here, visit Gurupet blog .

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