Learn how to improve the behavior of a destructive dog!

Learn how to improve the behavior of a destructive dog

Having a pet as your best friend is a wonderful experience. On the other hand, being responsible for a destructive dog is quite a challenge! Whether it’s plants, furniture, toys or anything else, everything can be destroyed in minutes!

This unwanted behavior from the animal ends up affecting the coexistence and relationship between the animal and its owner. Check out the text below for everything about destructive dogs: what to do , how to deal with them and how to correct their behavior!

After all, why does the dog destroy everything?

It’s very frustrating to arrive home and have unpleasant surprises with things broken or destroyed by your pet, isn’t it? It gets even more annoying when the destructive dog ruins something important.

At these times, the tendency is to lose patience and blame the destructive pet for what happened. However, it is worth remembering that dogs can behave badly out of natural instinct. Therefore, it is important to evaluate how to train the animal.

Dogs learn a lot from humans and other species, but they carry natural and instinctive behaviors, such as gnawing and chewing to play or expend energy.

The problem is that dogs often live in confined spaces, and do not have enough space to express their natural behavior . As a result, they end up directing their energy towards an activity that channels the energy they have to spare: chewing on objects in the house.

If it’s an instinct, should I let the dog destroy everything?

No. Although the behavior is instinctive, if you see your dog destroying plants , objects, furniture, and even walls, this is a sign that the environment in which the pet lives needs to be changed. This is even more important if the pet is already an adult.

Nowadays, many pets spend long periods of time alone at home. Boredom is one of the main reasons why dogs chew on things, so think about finding alternatives to keep your furry friend occupied when their owners are away.

However, if the dog destroys the bed , family members’ clothes and other objects in the presence of the owner, perhaps he is trying to get attention so he can play, get some affection, a treat or go for a walk.

Therefore, it is important to evaluate the reasons for your dog’s behavior. If your dog has a habit of chewing and destroying your belongings, you can take some steps to improve the well-being of your pet and your family!

Is it normal for a puppy to destroy everything?

A puppy’s restless and destructive behavior is considered normal! Just like every child, a puppy loves to play, and his favorite game is to chew and bite everything he sees, especially shoes, carpets and furniture edges.

If you have just adopted a puppy , be patient and correct this behavior. The tendency is that, as the pet becomes more mature, it will stop chewing everything. However, if it is still a destructive dog after it is an adult, it is necessary to identify what is happening.

What to do to correct the behavior of a destructive dog?

Destructive dogs usually behave this way because their routine is lacking in stimuli. So, if your furry friend keeps destroying and chewing things, follow these tips to enrich their environment and use up your pet’s accumulated energy!

Keep your dog distracted and busy

To keep your dog entertained, you need to invest in activities for when he is alone. Enriching the environment is essential to distract your pet, encouraging him to do other activities instead of destroying things.

If you notice that your dog is feeling lonely , leave the radio or television on to keep him company. Animals that suffer from separation anxiety and are anxious often benefit from this tactic.

Another interesting tip is to invest in food bowls or treats that serve as entertainment for your pet. These products do not make the food easily available; they make the dog have to figure out how to move it to get to the food. These items are good for stimulating the dog’s reasoning, keeping the animal occupied.

Invest in toys

Enrich the environment with toys, giving preference to those that make noise and are resistant, such as a plush toy for a destructive dog . Also, avoid leaving all the items available! Take turns, as pets like new things!

Take walks and play games

In addition to distraction, pets need physical activity, play, and attention. When you’re at home, invest in quality time with your pet. Take the opportunity to go for walks, play ball, run around, etc., all so that your pet can release its accumulated energy.

Consult a specialist

Some pets may exhibit destructive behavior for reasons that are difficult to identify. In this case, it is a good idea to seek out a trainer or a specialist veterinarian.

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