Find out if dogs can drink mastruz with milk or if it is harmful

dogs can drink

Can dogs drink mastruz with milk and enjoy the same benefits as humans? This is a drink widely used by those seeking alternative treatments for various health problems.

Pet owners always want to keep their pet’s health up to date. They may want to supplement some treatment prescribed by the veterinarian to help the animal recover faster, or opt for natural approaches, for example.

Regardless of the situation, it is very important to know the benefits and harms of any type of tea, food or other substance, even if natural, before offering it to animals. After all, not everything that is good for humans will have the same effect on pets. Find out more below!

What is mastruz?

Mastruz, also known as yerba de santa maria or Mexican tea, is a very traditional medicinal plant. It grows easily even in the bush, spontaneously, and has long, small leaves and white flowers.

This plant has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic and healing properties. Because it is rich in vitamin C, it helps the immune system and is widely used to aid digestion and combat intestinal parasites. For this reason, many people believe that you can give mastruz to your dog mixed with milk.

However, it is important to remember that mastruz with milk is good for humans. It is indicated for people, not animals. Furthermore, it must be prescribed and monitored by a health professional because, in high doses, the plant can cause poisoning.

Why mix mastruz with milk?

To enjoy the effects of the plant, it is common to make a tea with water or mix it with milk. Due to taste preference or also to take advantage of the vitamins in the milk drink, many people prefer it this way. But what about pets? Can dogs drink mastruz with milk in the same way as their owners?

Can dogs drink mastruz with milk?

Plants are widely used to treat a variety of human diseases. However, they are only consumed when their effectiveness and safety have been tested.

To date, mastruz has not been proven to be effective in animals . Furthermore, it is not known whether it is safe — there is some evidence that it may be toxic to pets due to a substance called ascaridole.

It is also worth remembering that giving milk to dogs is not the best idea. The drink can cause some digestive problems, such as gas, diarrhea or constipation. It is highly contraindicated.

So now you know if dogs can drink mastruz with milk: no! Even though the plant is beneficial for humans, there is no proof that it is safe for pets.

Treatment with medicinal plants for dogs

Owners who wish to opt for alternative treatments can turn to phytotherapy. This approach involves the manipulation and application of medicinal plants to treat various diseases.

Just like in human medicine, veterinary phytotherapy uses the oil from plants to make oral medications, creams, lotions and infusions. The plant itself is also used in its natural state .

Dogs can get sick from taking mastruz . Therefore, it is important to emphasize that medicinal plants can only be used on pets under the guidance of a veterinarian. Many can cause allergic reactions, irritation, and poisoning. Depending on the dose administered, some can lead to death.

Can dogs drink tea?

Your dog can drink certain types of tea — not all are allowed! If you want to offer this delicious treat to your pet, talk to your veterinarian first. Some animals may have restrictions even on beneficial herbs. Check out the permitted options:

  • chamomile: helps treat anxiety;
  • mint: improves the respiratory system and poor digestion;
  • ginger: relieves nausea and intestinal discomfort;
  • boldo: reduces gas and helps with liver treatment;
  • lavender: helps to calm.

Do medicinal plants replace chemical medicines?

Although phytotherapy is a good approach, it is usually used as a complement to treatment with synthetic medications. Depending on the disease, the immediate effect of allopathic drugs is essential for the recovery of the pet’s health.

Plants are usually used more in chronic treatments, having long-term effects. In any case, it is very important to consult your veterinarian to provide the best treatment for your pet.

Mastruz with milk is bad for dogs. If you want to follow a more natural approach to treating a pet’s health condition, check with a specialist about the possibility of giving your pet another tea or mixture to speed up conventional treatment.

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