Ferret for adoption: discover the difference between a ferret and a weasel

ferret for adoption

Dogs and cats are the most remembered when it comes to pets. However, recently, another pet has been gaining popularity: the ferret for adoption !

With behavior and care requirements that are more similar to those of dogs and cats than wild animals, the ferret is very fun, curious and playful.

But did you know that what we know as a pet ferret is actually a ferret? Come find out!

Ferret vs. Ferret: They Don’t Belong to the Same Species

Here in Brazil, it is very common to refer to the friendly pet with an elongated body as a ferret for adoption. But you may have also met people who refuse to give up calling them by an American name: ferret .

But, after all, which one is correct? Do both names refer to the same species?

In fact, from a biological point of view, they are two different species. While the ferret is Brazilian , the ferret is American and corresponds to the famous pet. Hence the more complicated name in English.

Respectively, the species are Galactis suas (small ferret) and Mustela putorios (ferret). Both, however, belong to the same family: the mustelidae, which also includes otters, badgers and weasels.

In practice, however, there is no problem in calling the ferret a pet ferret , and it is common to find them up for adoption with this name.

More important than that is to always acquire this and any other pet legally, not contributing to animal trafficking.

Ferret: a foreigner in Brazilian lands

Technically, all animals that are not native to a given region are called exotic animals. Even though some are already bred in Brazil and have been authorized by Ibama to be kept as pets.

In the case of ferrets, these mustelids (mammals of the carnivorous order) are imported directly from the United States, from an authorized breeder, and can only be found in licensed locations.

By order of Ibama, ferrets arriving here must already be neutered and microchipped. This microchip contains the pet’s identification number.

When purchasing a domestic ferret , you must also sign a liability waiver for the animal.

Importing ferrets for adoption : high prices

The fact that all ferrets found in Brazil are imported directly from the United States explains why they have a higher-than-average price. In addition to the costs of transportation, neutering, and maintenance, their value is also subject to fluctuations in the dollar, fuel prices, and other circumstances.

Know that the initial cost of a ferret as a pet is much lower than a ferret, for example!

This is because almost all products aimed at them are also imported, including vaccines and food, which can be up to 10 times more expensive than premium dog food. So think carefully before getting a ferret!

To ensure that your friend remains healthy for many years, it is essential to consider whether you will have the financial means and time available to care for him.

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