Bird moulting: what is important to know?

Bird moulting

Seeing loose feathers on the floor, in the aviary or in the cage is a common occurrence for those who keep birds. Most of the time, this does not represent any changes in the animal’s health — it is simply a physiological phenomenon called feather molting .

Natural in all birds, whether cockatiels, parrots or psittacines, the process is gradual and often goes practically unnoticed. In any case, it is worth learning about the change of feathers in these animals to know when the loss is considered abnormal. Check out the text below!

Why do birds change their feathers?

Just like human hair and animal fur, birds’ plumage is also replaced throughout their lives. They undergo a renewal at a certain time of year, known as moulting, which varies from one species to another.

Bird feathers are not only used for beauty, but also perform essential functions for the life of these animals. They help them fly, contribute to body thermoregulation and even repel water.

Even though they are very resistant, bird feathers can suffer natural wear and tear, be affected by ectoparasites (such as lice), or be damaged in an accident or a clash with a predator (in the case of free-living birds).

Moulting is a natural process for birds to keep their plumage beautiful, strong and efficient. This allows the animal to always express its natural behavior while remaining healthy.

How do you know if a bird is in the process of moulting?

For first-time bird owners, don’t expect to see the feathered bird plucked! Lasting an average of two months, the molting process is quite gradual. During this process, there are no gaps in the feathers or any other changes to the skin.

You may only notice some loose feathers more frequently than at other times of the year. If you notice any defects in the bird ‘s plumage, parasites or changes in its behavior , you should seek help from a veterinarian.

When does the first molt occur?

Baby birds are born without feathers, covered only by very fine plumage. Over the months, this begins to be replaced by more structured feathers, just in time for the little ones to leave the nest.

The first moult occurs around 6 months of age. When the animals reach 1 year of age, they develop adult plumage. From then on, the moult occurs once a year. These periods vary from one species to another, however, this is the average.

Adult bird feathers appear after the breeding season and are gradually replaced over the course of two months — this can take up to four months, depending on the species. In Brazil, this process occurs most frequently between February and April.

Importance of nutrition during moulting

Knowing the moulting season, it is important to pay attention to feeding during the moulting, always providing feed, seeds and a varied menu according to the species being raised.

In general, if the bird already receives all the necessary care in terms of food and the environment in which it lives, there is no need to add vitamins or other supplements to help with the change of feathers, as the process is natural.

The biggest problem during this period is precisely nutritional imbalance. Inadequate diets do not provide the necessary vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, calories, etc. This harms the quality and appearance of new feathers.

Main changes during moulting

If the bird is not receiving the necessary nutrients , it may have defects in its plumage, since when the feathers fall out, new ones do not grow. Nutritional deficiency can also increase the time of the molting phase, causing the new feathers to grow weak or with spots.

Caring for birds during the moulting period

Some animals may become more fragile due to the increased energy expenditure required during the molting period. Some may even become more susceptible to diseases.

To ensure that the bird is healthy, the first step should be to ensure that it is fed. Owners can invest in a specific diet for changing the feathers of cockatiels , parakeets, canaries or any other species, as well as supplements designed for this phase, always with medical advice.

In addition, the space where the bird lives must be constantly sanitized and have a pleasant room temperature. If possible, avoid extreme noises or anything that could stress and, consequently, compromise the bird’s immune system.

How do you know if everything is okay with the bird during the moult?

As previously mentioned, natural plumage change does not cause plumage defects. Therefore, if you notice that the bird has lost all its feathers at once or that no new ones are growing, you should seek help from your veterinarian.

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